Teaching children is fun. They are naturally playful. According to the parents I have OODLES of patience. I do not notice it because I do not find kids testing or annoying. They learn their own way. My job is to pay attention and enter their flow the best I can. Learning happens on their terms not on mine.
I teach children through creative play. We do many different activities from watching a video through creating a farm, making a LEGO castle, or planting beans.
I usually teach children in pairs from the age of 4.
Please note that between the ages of 4-8 children need supervision while having their lesson. Lessons last for about an hour, most typically twice a week.
Prices: (please note that prices depend on many factors please enquire HERE/click)
1*60 min lesson 20-25 EUR/week (for one child)
1*60 min lesson 25-30 EUR/week (for two children)
I teach the children via MS TEAMS using a GOOGLE DRIVE/DROPBOX for sharing material with the parents.