Change is inevitable

Change is inevitable

I think most languages has this saying as a proverb. Regardless of the origin of the saying, it is indefinitely true!


And with that, we must change. As we are being shaped and reshaped by the new language we are learning, we form a new ‘personality’, so to speak.


When someone asks me in Hungarian – my mother tongue – so how do you say this in English?, I simply respond: I don’t say this in English. I do not translate from Hungarian to English. I think, I formulate sentences, I behave in English and it is often very different from what I would say or do in Hungarian.


Every language comes with a set of ideas, beliefs, patterns of though and behaviour that is inherent in the culture behind the language.


When you are leaning a language, you are creating a new version of yourself.  At the end of the process you become another person apart from your original version.


You will express yourself differently in any languages you speak fluently.


When I speak in English I use different expressions, even different gestures from those I use when I speak in Hungarian. I do not speak well in Italian, I still translate a lot from English, but some of the well engrained expressions I use are entirely different from both English and Hungarian.  I think and speak differently in Italian from English or Hungarian.


If you want to ‘ lean’  English with me, get in touch by clicking on the pictures below.



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